
Natural Candle Blend

All Natural Smooth Pillar Blend

Developed using natural waxes and plant oil products. Smooth and creamy in appearance with good clean burning characteristics. Behavior comparable to paraffin wax. White to off white in color. Recommended for all type of molded candles; pillar, votive, and tart candles. Excellent fragrance throw. Suggested fragrance use between 5-7%.


Strahl & Pitsch proudly introduces our line of all-natural candle blends. Votive blends, pillars of all types, tart pans, balls, pyramids, etc.


  • Petroleum Free
  • Ingredients are based on natural and renewable resources.
  • Finished candles are unique in appearance and physical characteristics.
  • Allows for higher fragrance loads with retention.


Natural Candle Blends are compatible with many vegetable and mineral waxes and a variety of natural and synthetic ingredients.

Regulatory information

Globally accepted
Natural/ Naturally Derived
No animal testing
no BHT and/or BHA
No Heavy Metals
No Nanomaterials
No Nutritional Content
No Microbial Content
No Residual Solvents
No Preservatives, including Triclosan
NO VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds)
No Food Fragrance Allergens, including gluten
No 1,4 dioxane, ethylene oxide, and propylene oxide
No SVHCs in concentration above 0.1% according to REACH

Recommended applications

Candles & Wicks


Test Method Specification
Color Visual Off-White
Drop Point ASTM D127 58.0 - 65.0 °C
Needle Penetration ASTM D-1321 25 - 40 dmm

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